Sushanth Singh Rajput - What the sad ending teaches us
I know that discussing or debating about someone’s death is not quite okay. But Sushanth Singh Rajput’s decision of suicide has a lot to teach this society. We keep running behind money, fame, power, etc but Sushanth has broken the myth that these materialistic things can not give you happiness or satisfaction. Life is something beyond these things that everyone should understand and learn to value. After the sad ending of Sushanth, we can see many untold stories bringing the grey part of Bollywood to the limelight. The jargon ‘Nepotism’ is being discussed widely which is being blamed to have shackled the Bollywood and is the very reason for the death of Sushanth. Nepotism is when popular personalities of any field try to form a web of their close affinities and neglect outsiders. This ends up in a kind of oligarchy where the opportunities will be shared among this network while the outsiders will be denied of all chances even though they may be well deserving. The same thing is allege...