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Does the passion for dance can make a girl characterless?

Stereotypes are common in society with gender inequality. But its high time to break all those taboos. One such taboo is labeling a girl as characterless for dancing in the public. Seems weird? But to the dismay, it is a sad reality even now. My father is a champion in breaking such taboos. He brought me up without any gender restrictions. From my childhood, my passion is dance and my father encouraged me by all possible means.  He never posed restrictions except for one, that is he either wanted me to be the central lead and not to be a side dancer. Haha, a father is always a father. From standard one to till my college days I never missed stage performance. During my ninth standard, I took part in a dance drama on Silapathikaaram portraying the role of Kovalan which is the most favorite to my father. The scene where Kovalan will be taken to the guillotine is the one cherished by the audience and my father who was the chief guest of the function was so proud. As a remembrance, my ...