Land of Ram or Ravan? || Can never be a land of Sita...
As expected the debate on Ram - Ravan has erupted in Tamilnadu, on the sidelines of the Bhumi puja of Ram mandir at Ayodhya. I was at my 5th standard I found two big books named Ramayanam and Mahabharatam lying on our bookshelf and as I had developed reading habits, I was interested to complete those two books, which I executed too. Thus how I came to know about Ram, Ravan, Krishna, Pandavas, and Kauravas. I found Ramayanam to be very plain compared to Mahabharatam because Ram was so good and Ravan was so bad, no more interesting masalas as in Mahabharatam. As I entered my civil services preparation, our Geography sir explained an unheard concept about the Aryan-Dravidian divide. He said that Ram and his associates were all Aryans who were generally fair, tall, sharp-nosed, and had brownish hair. The Sukriva and his associates who were portrayed as apes are in real were Dravidians featured with dark skin, stout physique, short, and had black hair. This is how the northern literature ho...